Welcome home
"Homecoming" is a phrase I use to describe the sensation of arriving within yourself, a deep recognition, a knowing and remembering of who you really are.
Many of us live our lives in varying degrees of inauthenticity: in partnerships, family relations, in our jobs and on social media. At times the fraudulent nature of our experience is so hard to bear, that we might feel like running away from our lives altogether.
The questions that subconsciously plague us are: How can I be truly myself and still be loved? If I go for my dream job, will I be poor and live in the gutter? When I tell my spouse how I really feel about us, will they leave me? When I make that boundary with mom, will I scar our relationship irreparably?
Most of us think we can create safety by hiding who we really are, but the truth is that you cannot create safety in relationships/ with money/ within yourself UNTIL you allow yourself to be who you really are.
But that's all you are really longing for, isn't it? That yearning to come back to yourself. However far you've traveled away from your "home", you can always find your way back. That is the work we do in coaching.
In sessions we can assess the beliefs and subconscious "rules" you currently live by that have created that distance to your intrinsic truth. We uncover which patterns are holding you to outcomes you no longer wish to see in your life.
We can work on restoring your sense of self and give you back agency over the direction of your life, by updating your beliefs and giving you tools to face formerly triggering situations with more grace and confidence.
I know this is possible and even realistic, because I have done that very work for myself and now I'm helping other women do the same. Wheeee!!!
As it turns out, living your dreams is easier than continuing to live under the crushing weight of constant overwhelm, low self-esteem, anxiety and people-pleasing codependency.
If you are curious, reach out to me & let me know what you'd like to work on. Working with a life coach has changed my life personally, and whether you work with me or someone else, I completely support you in your journey of healing and homecoming.

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